Import Limestone Lumps

OCEANA TRIMPEX LLP also engage with import of Limestone Lumps (CaCO3). We have 60 + partners in PAN India. Who used Limestone in different industries. We are currently having the capacity of approximately 30,000mt per month of limestone lumps for the local market. Furthermore, our products are well-kept in the warehouse and constantly monitored to ensure the quality of the products.

1. Malaysian Limestone Lumps

Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound with the formula CaCO3. It is a natural material found in rocks as the mineral’s calcite and aragonite (most notably as limestone, which contains both of those minerals). Calcium carbonate is a white, odorless powder or color-less crystals. Practically insoluble in water. Calcium carbonate is one of the most used minerals today. It has many uses in a wide variety of industrial and commercial applications. Oceana Trimpex LLP is honored for having supplied the highest quality of Limestone and specifically the maximum purity of 99% at a cost-effective price in huge quantities.

GCC Grade Limestone

Ground calcium carbonate (GCC) grade limestone is formed by natural crystallization from seawater or sedimentation of the sea animal shells. Therefore, GCC grade limestone has a very small sparkling effect as crystal. Most of the GCC grade limestone are white and grey in colour and the grey colour may be the result of impurities within the stone itself.

Due to enhancement of technology and cost reduction, the application of GCC is getting broader in various industries where the demand for GCC has been increased over time. Thus, with our high production level we may be able to ease strong market demand.

GCC grade reserve in GCCP Marble are suitable to provide us an opportunity to produces high quality crushed limestone. The main product will be GCC grade crushed limestone in three different sizes as below:

  1. 1. < 10mm
  2. 2. 10 – 40mm
  3. 3. 40 – 60mm

Our clients’ requirement is always welcome for discussion and consideration. Currently, we are mainly supplying our products to domestic market. Nevertheless, we are also striving to increase our international market share in various countries.

PCC Grade Limestone

In general, precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) grade limestone are naturally in light grey color and possibly with some soils if unwashed. Calcium oxide (CaO) or commonly known as quicklime is produced by calcination process of limestone. However, the grey color on its surface will not affect the quality of quicklime. The quality is measured by the content of CaO where higher percentage of CaO represents better quality.

PCC is unique because of its flexibility of shapes which allows it to act as an additive in different industries such as paper, plastic, rubber, sealants etc. In order to utilise the performance for the end application, PCC can be formulated into different shapes and allows the end users to gain the advantage of maximising the physical properties resulted from the shapes.

Our reserve for PCC grade limestone has been proven to be one of the high-quality limestones in Malaysia. We mainly produce crushed limestone in three different sizes as below:

  1. 1. < 30mm
  2. 2. 30 – 50mm
  3. 3. 50 – 90mm

Our Limestone Lumps Advantages

  • Specially selected limestone lumps before processing.
  • Size of lumps -10 ~ 100mm can use straight after unloading.
  • Lesser work on crushing process.
  • The limestone lumps already completed with washing process.
  • All the above are very cost savings because the necessary separation process on the premium grade and cleaning are done in our quarry.

Applications for Use

  • Agriculture – Soil Stabilization
  • Aluminium
  • Automotive
  • Building & Construction
  • Ceramics
  • Electrical & Electronics
  • Energy, Oil & Gas
  • Environmental
  • Foundry & Castings
  • Glass
  • Iron and Steel
  • Metallurgical
  • Paint & Coatings
  • Paper & Chemical
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Road Stabilisation
  • Rubber & Plastics
  • Sugar
  • Water Treatment

Malaysia Limestone Specifications

Limestone Specification %
CaO 55.0%
*equivalent to CaCO3 98.2%
Mgo 0.65%
*equivalent to MgCO3 1.36%
Acid Insoluble 0.07%
SiO2 0.01%
Fe203 0.03%
*AL203 0.04%
*LO1 42.5%

2. Egyptian Limestone Lumps

There are many minerals needed by animals, one of them is calcium that prospers their growth, development and production. Calcium is a main source of formation in the bone and teeth in the animals. Calcium carbonate (ground limestone) is a cost-effective source for animals. Elemental calcium in feed grade limestone is as high as 40%. Our company offered free grade limestone in both, powder and granules forms. Offered as a pure calcium carbonate, its physical characteristics include 90% whiteness, 0.2% moisture, and 85% dry brightness. The chemical components that combine to make limestone are CaCO3, Ca, MgO, Fe2O3, Al2O3 and SiO2. PP bags are used for packaging limestone granules and powder.

Egyptian Limestone Advantages

  • Limestone as our limestone goes up to +98% whiteness, +96% brightness
  • calcium carbonate (caco3) goes up to 99.4% as it has the highest percentage of calcium (CA) worldwide goes up to 40%
  • The lowest percentage of iron oxide (fe2o3) as it doesn't reach 0.005%
  • As it comes to grinding, we have the highest rate of production
  • Most of the grinding factories for limestone for the high ratio of whiteness that goes up to 98%.
  • Most of the factories of the feed grade worldwide for the high ratio of calcium (CA) as it goes up to 40%.
  • Most of the glass factories worldwide for the high ratio of iron oxide (fe2o3) as it goes up to 0.005%

Egyptian Limestone Chemical Analysis

Tests Results (%)
SiO2 0.2011%
Fe2O3 98 ppm
Al2O3 73 ppm
CaO 55.7%
Ca 39.78%
MgO 0.02%
Na2O 0.13%
K2O 0.02%
CI 69 ppm
SO3 0.0091%
P205 <0.01 %
MnO <0.01 %
TiO2 <0.01 %
L.O.I 43.79%
Moisture 0.0533 %
CaCO3 99.52%
Whiteness 94.5%
Brightness 93.8%
Density 2.75 g/cm3
Hardness 148 Kg/cm2
Constituents Results (%)
Aluminium Oxide (Ai2O3) <0.05
Silica (SiO2) 0.10
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) 0.05
Chromite Cr2O3 <0.03
Manganese Oxide (MnO) <0.03
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 0.34
Potassium Oxide (K2O) <0.03
Strontium Oxide (SrO) 0.04
Phosphorus Oxide (P2O2) <0.03
Titanium Oxide (TIO2) <0.03
Calcium Oxide (CaO) 55.58
Sodium Oxide (Na2O) <0.03
Vanadium Oxide (V2O5) <0.03
Loss on ignition @ 1025°C 43.61
Calcium Carbonate(by Calculation) CaCO3 99.21

3. Vietnamese Limestone Lumps

Vietnam limestone lumps is well known for its “WHITNESS” Oceana Trimpex LLP delivered successfully in Indian Market since last few years. Oceana Trimpex manage and exploit limestone raw materials from Vietnam mine under mining license granted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam.

Oceana Trimpex LLP Mine is rated the best quality and has the largest reserves in Vietnam as well as South-East Asia. The chemical composition and physical properties lumps are in accordance with the requirements of various industries such as, but not limited to Paints, Plastics, Paper, Colour/Black Master batches, Adhesives, Rubber, PVC Cables, PP compounds, PVS/Plastics and so on...

Specification of Vietnam limestone

CaCO3 98% min
Fe2O3 0.02% max
Mgo 0.02% max
SiO2 0.1% max
Al2O3 0.1% max
Whiteness 98% min
Brightness 96% min
Moisture 0.2% max
Oil Absorption 23.00g/100g CaCO3
Hardness 2.7-3 Moh
Loss at 9000C 42-44 %
Loss at 1050C 0.2% -0.4%
Acid Insoluble 0.3% max
PH Value 8 + 9